Our small tame Ouessant sheep from the French Channel Islands make ideal starter flocks for smallholders and permaculture homesteads. This smallest of sheep breeds is very hardy and valued for both meat and wool. Our closed flock originally established by Val Grainger... FIND OUT MORE
Designing Food Systems
For Domestic Gardens & Homesteads
We practice a permaculture approach to build both productivity and resilience.... FIND OUT MORE
Developing People
Help at Life Transitions
As we search for alternatives to our present resource intensive consumer lifestyles we face many personal challenges.
To make a transition to more ecological and fulfilling ways of living involves an honest appraisal of where we now now, both personally and... FIND OUT MORE
Danaway is a Permaculture Homestead in North Cumbria
Our small diverse holding is in an evolution from traditional sheep pasture to agro-forestry.
We are using ecological design and management practices to establish fruit, vegetable and poultry systems, alongside breeding rare and heritage stock for northern smallholders. Our Ouessant Sheep flock comprises bloodlines selected for wool quality, including top French bred stock and the 2008 French Champion ram, Merinos de Lutins du Montana.
We aim to help people to develop the imagination, practical skills and confidence to live more abundant and self reliant lives.